4 Apps to Get You Ready for Your Move
So you’ve found your dream home and you’re ready to take that first step into packing, organizing, and preparing for that highly anticipated moment: Moving Day. The idea of getting your current home organized and ready to be moved may be daunting but fortunately, there are apps that can help you with this process. Having the assistance of mobile apps can make sure your moving day goes as well as you had imagined it would.
- Moving Day
This free iPhone app has the ability to create and scan bar codes. In addition, Moving Day as label-making capabilities. You can create a bar code using the app, print it out, and stick the bar code to your boxes, reminding you what items are in each box without even having to open up the box.
- Move Match
This app is free but currently is only available on Android devices. Move Match can help you determine about how much your items weigh. It also allows you to create a list of all the boxes to send to your moving company explaining which box goes where.
- Moving Van
A $1.99 app available solely for iPhones, Moving Van allows you to record the exact contents of each moving box. It also allows you to run a search using the app to find out which box a particular item is located in. You can even print out a comprehensive inventory list so that you have a tangible copy to check on your moving day.
- Move Planner
This $2.99 iPhone app contains 100 pre-set moving tasks that are commonly used. This app can make sure you have all of your bases covered when it comes to the moving process. You can check off tasks as they are completed. Move Planner is, essentially, a moving to-do checklist.
With the ease and convenience of mobile apps, the packing and moving processes can be made easier. Try these apps to help you prepare for your big day. For other packing and moving services that can’t be done via mobile device, contact Dallas Moving Forward to find out more about the services we offer.