How to Stay Eco-Friendly during Your Move
Did you know that the average move requires 60 cardboard boxes? Those 60 boxes are equivalent to more than half of a 1-ton pine tree.
These staggering numbers can have a detrimental, long-term effect on the environment which is why being environmentally conscious is crucial throughout the moving process.
Here are some of the ways you can help reduce your carbon footprint during your residential move.
De-clutter before the move
Lighten the load. Moving items that you no longer need take unnecessary amounts of your time and your resources. The fewer boxes you use for your move, the better – for both you and the environment. As an added bonus, you’ll be able to use a smaller truck or make fewer trips during your move, reducing fuel emissions. The environment will thank you!
Get creative with what you already have
Chances are, you have plastic totes, suitcases, or laundry baskets, right? All of these things can be substituted for cardboard moving boxes. Get creative with the storage items you already own, saving you the hassle of having to use cardboard boxes. To take it a step further, you can even wrap your breakables with towels, t-shirts, or even newspapers. This will significantly decrease the amount of packing paper or peanuts you’ll have to use, benefitting both you and the environment.
Choose an eco-friendly moving company
Dallas Moving Forward is committed to being an eco-friendly company and was founded with a strong consciousness of the environment. Our founder is a busy mother of two who felt it was important that children and future generations grow up in a less toxic world. This is our company’s core belief. We use recycled boxes, wrapping paper and plastic, and biodegradable packing adhesives and we offer a signature program called our Box Buy-Back Program to reduce our carbon footprint.
Our Box Buy-Back Program is one of the programs that makes Dallas Moving Forward a unique, environmentally conscious residential mover. Here’s how it works. You leave us a deposit in the amount of the cost of the boxes. This deposit is refundable at half the cost of what you paid, so long as we get the boxes back in reusable condition within two weeks after your delivery date. You can keep as many as you like, but you won’t get money back for the ones you keep. After you unpack the boxes they must be returned to our location during business hours, folded flat. We then re-use those boxes! Eventually, when the boxes are no longer usable, we recycle them. The Box Buy Back Program is for customers in the Dallas Metro area only.
If you’re planning a residential move, keep these easy tips in mind to stay eco-friendly by reducing your carbon footprint.